230V/60Hz CNS175 Contactor Box Assembly (including cables) to change from 110v to 230v power

Referenced By Part Number(s): CNS-WA-014


USD: $162.00

Referenced By Part Number(s): CNS-WA-014

Description: 230V/60Hz CNS175 Contactor Box Assembly (including cables) to change from 110v to 230v power

For Use with Saw Type(s): CNS Model Saws wishing to use or operating at 230v power, plug type NEMA 6-15P

Compatibility Notes: Do NOT use if you wish to use the CNS175 at 110v (replacement for 110v is CNS-WA-012)

Shipping Dimensions: 11 × 6.7 × 3.1 in

Shipping Weight: 5 lbs